All photos are the copyright of Geoffrey C. Gunn, and may not be used without permission. Click on a thumbnail to download a larger version.
East Timor Independence Celebrations
East Timor's independence celebrations of 19-20 May 2002 not only attracted a galaxy of VIPS but also brought back the foreign media. I was likewise accredited hemce a number of close ups of military parades, etc. But East Timor's fledgling civil society could not resist the presence in Dili of Australian Prime Minister John Howard to offer a few words of advise, hence the demonstrations.

East Timorese Scenery
Scenes of the New Nation coming back to life following the UN intervention of 1999 and release from Indonesian occupation. As these somewhat bucolic scenes reveal East Timorese farmers, fishermen and women did not wait around for the UN or World Bank to rescue them, they just got to work. In fact my shot of Baucau hotel shows the World Bank arriving after a testy meeting with local Fretilin representatives with myself as interpreter.
CNRT Congress, Dili, August 2000
I was also present at the landmark Congress of the CNRT or National Council of the Resisitance, an umbrella organization that spearheaded the resistance to Indonesian occupation. Up until its dissolution at this Congress, Gusmao was then President and Ramos Horta vice president.